Steak and Wine Pie

Steak and Wine Pie Recipe:

1. Trim the meat and cut it into small pieces

2. Skin, core and chop the kidneys

3. Peel and thinly slice the onion and the mushrooms

4. Peel and crush the garlic if it is being used

5. Toss the meat and kidneys in seasoned flour

6. Heat the 2 oz of butter in frying pan

7. Fry the meat over high heat until it is evenly browned

8. Blend in the remaining seasoned flour

9. Spoon the contents of the pan into a large casserole

10. Melt the remaining butter in a clean pan and fry the onion for 5minutes

11. Add the mushrooms and the garlic and continue frying for about 3minutes

12. Pour in the wine and the stock and bring it to the boil

13. Pour the mixture over the meat

14. Cover the casserole with a lid and cook in the center of the preheated oven of 325F (160C) for about 3 hours or until the meat is tender

15. Lift the meat out with a perforated spoon and place it in a pie dish with a pie funnel in the center

16. Reduce the casserole juices by fast boiling them

17. Pour the mixture over the meat and leave it to cool

18. Roll out the pastry to fit the pie dish

19. Moisten the rim and lift the pastry over the meat

20. Seal the edges and brush the pastry with the beaten egg

21. Bake the dish in the center of a preheated oven of 450F (230C)

List of ingredients required:

(serves 6 people)

12 to 16 oz prepared puff pastry
2 and 1/4 lb lean chuck steak
1/2 lb kidney
1 large onion
6 oz mushrooms
2 cloves garlic (optional)
3 oz seasoned flour
3 tablespoons corn oil
3 and 1/2 oz butter
1 pint beef stork
1/2 pint dry red wine
Salt and pepper
1 egg