Chef Link

Chef Link is a group of individuals who have been lucky enough to come together as a team. As different as they all are, they have a shared value structure based on exceptional delivery and customer service. Whomever you catch on the phone will draw you in, work with you to solve your problems (from what size ladle to buy to where you might have left your car last night), and make sure you get what you need, when you need it. Chef Link is a team that is greater than the sum of its parts. They are a family orientated, fun loving business that puts their customers at the heart of everything they do. They believe in doing things right the first time, every time and they are committed to you being delighted by every experience you have with them. So give them a try, join the family, and you will be left with a new faith in their industry.

Website Address
Phone Number
(505) 424-0240
Physical Address
1306 Osage,
Santa Fe, NM, 87505
ZIP Code

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